Italy & Malta Stop Migrant Ships: What’s Not Being Said
NOTE: Two more members of Generation Identity joined the crew aboard the C-Star near the end of the Defend Europe mission, French Adrien Ragot and German Phillip Thaler. Other videos on this topic: https://youtu.be/OZWpRi4nhPY https://youtu.be/BMehONsM-GI https://youtu.be/_WppMC8jgFE Support my new ‘Patreon’ via my Website: https://brittany-pettibone.com/patreo… Tip via PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/BrittanyPettibone My Political Website: http://brittany-pettibone.com Subscribe to my Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ddT54P SEND MAIL: PO Box 278 Post Falls, IDAHO, 83877 FOLLOW: Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrittPettibone Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brittany.a.p… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittpettib… Author Website: http://tspettibone.com MUSIC: Zero Sum Orchestra by TeknoAXE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_4.php?q… Mike DoddI have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number…
America Failing – How Did Wal-Mart Detention Centers Become The Correct Answer
Pretty much I have remained silent over the child refugee/immigration issue that is ripping apart America. Understand the real problem was created by the Democratic Party. That is something that always escapes liberals. I see all of this condemnation for the Trump Administration and it is comical at best, disingenuous at most. This is a Democratic Party problem because they wanted to be seen as “tough on immigration” on the various campaign trails over the years. Now that you have a Republican using the laws as it was written everyone is losing their minds. Then to make matters worse, you have a refugee problem, not an immigration problem. Those people…
Tommy Robinson Arrested and Imprisoned, Media Silenced
Editors Note: I know that Tommy Robinson is not the most sympathetic case, especially since he is an Alt-Right leader. With that being said, his arrest, detainment, imprisonment, and then media ban is beyond the pale. The British Government has forced news outlets to actually pull articles regarding the case of Tommy Robinson, who was simply covering a trail. This is prison state behaviour that cannot be tolerated and you cannot remain silent. The British Government has acted illegally against Western Society. We have a rule of law, we have freedom of speech, and we have a right to a free press. Obviously, the cowards that inhabit the British Isle…
The Social Media Dystopian Reality
I have posted a number of videos across multiple websites on the issues of Social Media. It is a designed system, and that is what needs to be remembered. I am not someone who is going to tell you to disconnect from Social Media, just because that system is being gamed against you. What I am going to tell you is that you need to understand that the system is gamed against you and you need to adapt to that. You need to take that system and game it for your own benefit. Social Media is no more of an ill than anything else. It is acknowledging what that system…
How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can’t See It
Editors Note: I know that the Transhumanists are not going to like this video or any video from Max Igan. The information within the video is not perfect and some of it is wrong, especially some of the political statements. Regardless, the discussion of the State and the state of Technology is on target. Now, the issues of the State controlling Technology is not a “Today” issue. It is an issue for future people, which is why I am listing this video. People need to be aware and awake of States using technology and controlling technology based upon the view of one of its citizens. Especially when you consider the…
Newsbud And Sibel Edmonds Jumping Off The Deep End
Editors Note: The drama queen know as Sibel Edmonds and her news organization Newsbud has gone way off the deep end. Sibel (Truth in Labeling) is on a crusade against journalists Vanessa Beeley & Eva Bartlett concerning “Syria” related issues. This is very sick and very troubling because Sibel Edmonds has led the lemmings way over the cliff of insanity. It is embarrassing for Sibel Edmonds and she cannot help herself. What I am going to tell you is that all individuals have issues and every once in a while people will take issues way too far, for no good reason. Sibel Edmonds has done good work, Newsbud has done good work…
Transhumanism Needs To Develope Beyond Mimicry
Transhumanism encompasses a number of beliefs regarding the human being, technology, science and at times philosophy. Currently, Transhumanism is stuck in a caricature mode of applying untested or unrealistic technology in a way to advance core Transhumanist belief systems. I’m excited to share my new article at @Newsweek on #transhumanism, 3D Bioprinting the dead, and #QuantumArchaeology. This is one of my most challenging articles yet. It’s a bit long and really needs to be read all the way through. Enjoy! https://t.co/KBJRqFuBkC pic.twitter.com/g9Nc5K9kHi — Zoltan Istvan (@zoltan_istvan) March 9, 2018 It sounds fantastic to invent a path that we can 3D print human parts. Who knows maybe someday we will be…
It Is Time To Run From Managed Social Media Platforms – Wave Chronicle Annoucement
Zero State many years ago, stated it was time to abandon Google, You Tube, Face Book and other managed platforms. What we stated in Zero State, is that the Elite & Deep State would find a way to discriminate against the people as a whole and that has been ongoing for years. We believed in decentralization, to be in many places at once. After being removed from Zero State, The Wave Chronicle has stated numerous times over the year, that leaving the managed platforms was a necessity. The Wave Chronicle has pushed the concept that having your own website, blog, message board, under your own control is the path forward.…
Documenting The Roots Of Fascism In The 21st Century
Editors Note: I find it humorous how people will go back into history to find failed ideas to move people forward. Even though I am skeptical, you never know when a good idea is going to come forth. Western Society is being betrayed by those who should be the caretakers. You currently have the Democratic Party in the USA backing terrorist organizations like #BLM & #Antifa. I can remember a better time when Democrats had the policy that “We will talk with anyone”, instead, the Democratic party now believes that you can discriminate against anyone because of their political leaning. The shit in the USA has and is going sideways.…
Worse Than Watergate – Release the Memo
It took me a bit of time but I found a solid video that will cover the “Release the memo” controversy. The Wave Chronicle does not support or endorse any information within the video, other than, for what is known, the video seems to be accurate enough to be rebroadcast on this website. The authors channel. Members of the House on Thursday said they viewed a “shocking” classified memo allegedly detailing abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by senior Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations officials in relation to the investigation of the Trump campaign and called for it to be declassified and available to the public…