Central and South America
Activism and news for Central and South America
They Admit THIS is Coming
Clippity clop clop the horsemen don’t stop. In the past week, President Joe Biden and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau have admitted that food shortages are around the corner. In this video, I lay the groundwork for how these shortages came about, the strange coincidences surrounding supply chain issues, and how famine lends itself to the Great Reset. Subscribe For More – http://bit.ly/reallygraceful Please consider supporting my channel on Patreon (early access to videos and private discord): http://patreon.com/reallygraceful Subscribe to my backup channel: http://bit.ly/reallygracefulsecondcha… Odysee: https://odysee.com/@reallygraceful:3 Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/real… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reallygraceful Twitter: https://twitter.com/reallygraceful Instagram: http://instagram.com/reallygraceful Gab: https://gab.com/reallygraceful Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to…
COVID: Everything They Want You To Forget
This is a collection of video clips and news articles that you might or might not remember. Some have been memory-holed. Anyway, I arranged them on a loose time in an upside down world archive of sorts. Please consider supporting my channel on Patreon: http://patreon.com/reallygraceful Subscribe to my backup channel: http://bit.ly/reallygracefulsecondchannel Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/reallygraceful/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reallygraceful Twitter: https://twitter.com/reallygraceful Instagram: http://instagram.com/reallygraceful Gab: https://gab.com/reallygraceful Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Activism, Africa, Asia, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Middle East, Politics, Russia, USA
This Pivotal Moment – Episode 1
Editors note: The WaveChronicle believes that vaccines are a productive way forward to end this pandemic and people should get these vaccines in consultation with their medical team. No one should be forced to be vaccinated, nor should they be discriminated against. When discrimination becomes the answer to your question, you should know that you are on the wrong path. The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It’s time to stop this…
An Ocean Of Lies On Venezuela
On the eve of another US war for oil, Abby Martin debunks the most repeated myths about Venezuela and uncovers how US sanctions are crimes against humanity with UN Investigator and Human Rights Rapporteur Alfred De Zayas. FOLLOW // @EmpireFiles // @AbbyMartin LIKE // https://www.facebook.com/TheEmpireFiles Keep Empire Files independent and ad-free: https://www.patreon.com/empirefiles Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
The Real Reason The U.S. Wants Regime Change in Venezuela
Understand one thing, this is on all of us. As Americans we have made this very ugly path to war and destruction, under the guise of Freedom. Doesn’t it bother you that both the United States and the Russian Federation walked away from a perfectly functioning nuclear treaty that has existed for decades. How many times over recent history have we seen the ugly side of regime change. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine and the entire South American continent. How much blood and how much taxpayer money do we have to spend for negative results. Is feeding the Rich this important? Is oil really this important? When is the warmongering going…
Lies, And Damn Lies
Here’s the link that goes with the video: http://bit.ly/2B58Ztw GET STARTED WITH NOBLEGOLD: https://get.noblegoldinvestments.com/… CALL NOBLE: 1-888-596-7916 Get the NobleGold Free E-Book: http://go.noblegoldinvestments.com/go… GET TRUMP COIN: https://trumpcoin2020.com/ GET THE MORGAN: https://historicsilvercoins.com/ (Get $5 Off Use Code: Lisa) SIGN UP WITH VIRTUAL SHIELD: http://www.hidewithlisa.com GET ENCRYPTED EMAIL NOW WITH SAFEBOLT: https://safebolt.com/deals/active/lis… ((Use Coupon Code: LISAHAVEN_20OFF )) GET involved in the Trade Genius Academy: https://tradegenius.co/ Get The Tea: https://getthetea.com/ Get Food Storage: https://www.PrepareWithLisa.com Or Call My Patriot Supply at 1-888-204-0144 DONATE To Lisa Haven Via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lisahaven Subscribe to My Website at: http://lisahaven.news/ Subscribe to My Backup Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqrf… Like Me on Bitchute/Real.Video/Minds: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qbnh… https://www.real.video/channel/lisahaven https://www.minds.com/LisaHaven or More Information See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/… https://www.infowars.com/…
America Failing – How Did Wal-Mart Detention Centers Become The Correct Answer
Pretty much I have remained silent over the child refugee/immigration issue that is ripping apart America. Understand the real problem was created by the Democratic Party. That is something that always escapes liberals. I see all of this condemnation for the Trump Administration and it is comical at best, disingenuous at most. This is a Democratic Party problem because they wanted to be seen as “tough on immigration” on the various campaign trails over the years. Now that you have a Republican using the laws as it was written everyone is losing their minds. Then to make matters worse, you have a refugee problem, not an immigration problem. Those people…
Hurricane Maria Recovery – A Positive Course of Action
http://pongovi.org On September 18th, 2017 the eye of hurricane Maria passed directly over Dominica. Winds hit at speeds of 195 miles per hour; first from the east, then from the west. The wind brought torrential rains. Rivers and drains overflowed carrying tangled masses of branches, fallen trees and mud into homes and businesses. In a matter of hours entire villages were reduced to piles of debris. This damage was inflicted across the entire nation at the same time. From the outside it looked to many like a death blow. The people of Dominica, however, are not the kind to wait passively for help. They have a highly resilient and adaptive…
Empire Files: The Birth Of Chavismo & Its Fight To Survive In Venezuela
More threats against the Maduro government from Trump at the United Nations follows nearly 20 years of the US Empire’s insistence that the popular Bolivarian movement should have no voice. Abby Martin sits down with Professor Chris Gilbert in Caracas, Venezuela, to learn about the rise of the Chavez movement, its role in society and the threats it faces from the US-backed opposition. Gilbert is a historian and professor of political science at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela. His articles on the struggle in Venezuela appear on CounterPunch.org and more. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a…
Head of Venezuela National Guard on Insurgency & US Threats
Use of force by Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Guard has become a regular sight in corporate media, and those actions are used by foreign powers as justification for intervention. With very real possibilities of another US-backed coup, Abby Martin interviews the head of Venezuela’s Armed Forces and Minister of Defense, General Padrino López. They discuss the National Guard’s control of food and medicine, condemnations over use of force, and the threat of US military intervention. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website