This Pivotal Moment Part Two
Around the world, there appears to be a coordinated attempt to usher in a new system of surveillance and social control. But why? Why introduce such a dystopian system and try to implement it at this historical moment? The answers to these questions, together with a more comprehensive description of the structure of this totalitarian control architecture, is the focus of Episode 2, for it is only when we see clearly the world that is being constructed around us and understand the scale of what is at stake, can we unite to stop it. Episode 2 is available here:Â https://youtu.be/auhNY1EZ6UI Episode 1 is available here: https://youtu.be/8TFKkbj01NQ Guest AuthorAll Guest…
The Rise Of Anarcho-Tyranny
Support My Work: http://brittany-pettibone.com/support SOURCES: https://www.theguardian.com/australia… https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/bl… https://thepostmillennial.com/breakin… https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2020/… https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-… FOLLOW: Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrittPettibone Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/brit… Telegram: https://t.me/brittanysellner Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittpettib… Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show… Telegram: https://t.me/brittanysellner GET MY BOOK (ENGLISH): Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/What-Makes… Regular Copy: https://brittany-pettibone.com Mike DoddI have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is WaveChronicle.com which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism,…
How To Transcend Socialism, Libertarianism, and All Other Conventional Ideologies
Editors Note: This is a fantastic discussion by Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, concerning political ideology. Watch and use to teach some truth. Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, discusses the key strengths and weaknesses of libertarianism, socialism, conservatism, and left-liberalism, the common failings of these and all other conventional ideologies, and why transhumanism offers a principled, integrated, dynamic approach for a new era of history, which can overcome all of these failings. This presentation was delivered virtually by Mr. Stolyarov on September 13, 2018, to the Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management 2018 (VSIM:18) conference in Ravda, Bulgaria. Afterwards, a discussion ensued, in…
Documenting The Roots Of Fascism In The 21st Century
Editors Note: I find it humorous how people will go back into history to find failed ideas to move people forward. Even though I am skeptical, you never know when a good idea is going to come forth. Western Society is being betrayed by those who should be the caretakers. You currently have the Democratic Party in the USA backing terrorist organizations like #BLM & #Antifa. I can remember a better time when Democrats had the policy that “We will talk with anyone”, instead, the Democratic party now believes that you can discriminate against anyone because of their political leaning. The shit in the USA has and is going sideways.…
The Third Way – A New Approach For America
Over the past few years, the basic art of communication between citizens has failed. It has failed for all of the common reasons. You are defined by race, wealth, and other social political agendas. This has been done to keep the citizens in our nation divided, to keep us at our own throats, so we can lay blame for our lives at other peoples feet. We can lay this blame for the creation of this social political agenda at the feet of our failed leaders, both Democrat and Republican. They offer our country no new path forward. They do not have a 21st century agenda, shit, they do not have an…
Why I Am Happy Trump Won
Here’s why. Stay in Touch with me and get Exclusive Videos, Discounts and Updates here: http://princeea.com/exclusive Prince EA http://www.facebook.com/princeea http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa http://www.princeea.com http://princeea.tumblr.com Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Transhuman Political Follies – America Edition
All you need to know on how to fail at American Politics, is to watch a Transhumanist run for office. It does not matter what country you are in, they fail no matter where you find them. We now have the Epic Failure of Zoltan Istvan as he campaigned for the greater glory of himself for more than a year. Which resulted in a friends and family candidate, basically only friends and family voted for him. Considering we had an election cycle that cried for a third party candidate, and Transhumanists failed to fill that slot. In my opinion, this could have been an election cycle for Transhumanists to win the…
Organizing Without Organization – Mont Order
Originally Published By Dissident News The internet has been called the largest experiment in anarchy. All online interaction seems to reflect this reality, and it is already necessary to respect it if one wishes to thrive online in terms of business or politics. In political terms, the internet drastically elevated the positions of common citizens, “hacktivists”, and even social movements. Although the web has been with us now for quite a long time, it is still sufficiently new that its real potential to transform society has not yet been revealed. The second point in the Mont Order information society’s recent Seven Points program, which was developed by a council of…
The Bicameral Congress: Crash Course Government and Politics
In which Craig Benzine teaches you about the United States Congress, and why it’s bicameral, and what bicameral means. Craig tells you what the Senate and House of Representatives are for, some of the history of the institutions, and reveal to you just how you can become a representative. It’s not that easy. But an eagle gets punched, so there’s that. Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Support is provided by Voqal: http://www.voqal.org Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/YouTubeCrashC… Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/TheCrashCourse Tumblr – http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Instagram – http://instagram.com/thecrashcourse Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the…
America Failing – CIA Detention and Interrogation Program
How is it possible that Americans have found themselves it a position like this? How did we end up lowering our standards to this point? What I can tell you is that we have failed at being Americans, each and every one of us. We allowed fear and then hate to lower our standards that we have always held dear. Americans and it’s government is better than what is listed in the report created by the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence or even the rebuttal by the CIA. I am happy to see that employees within the CIA did object to the interrogation techniques, which shows that hope exists. People…