Ayn Rand Madness – Politicking: Ron Paul – Edition
This is a great video from Politicking, an RT America show featuring Larry King. I love the interviewing skills of Larry King and it was a fantastic move by RT to hire him. The topic was current events and how Ron Paul viewed those events. It is actually a scary video, because I truly believe that Ron Paul believes the shit that is coming out of his mouth.
Personally, the funniest and saddest part of the video is Ron Paul stating that the FDA gets in the way of new drugs getting onto the market, which would include Ebola drugs. You need regulations to protect the public and the FDA is not an organization whose rules are so hard and so complex that companies should not be following them.
Still, it is a good watch and you will get to witness more of Ayn Rand’s belief system in action. All wrapped together in Ron Paul, it is epic, so enjoy the Ayn Rand Madness.