The Mont Order
Articles related to The Mont Order
Market Issues January 2016
I personally do not understand the particular drama behind the Asian selloff that has started this month. Let’s get some things straight: China is not going to consume at a 7% rate anytime in the near future. We are in a commodities slump, world wide. We are in a world wide growth slowdown. These three items have been this way for more than a year. We have no new fundamentals in January to lead to such catastrophic market events. I also do not blame this selloff on the Chinese Government or the people who run the financial system. The systems that are in place currently in China has worked. Mind…
Muslim Parenting
On the subject of raising children, Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) said: “Play with them for the first seven years (of their life); then teach them for the next seven years; then advise them for the next seven years (and after that).” First Seven Years In the first seven years, your goal is to build a strong connection to your child. This is the foundation, the base from which your relationship with them grows. If this is rock solid, the remaining years will be much easier. If this foundation forms poorly, the next years will be more challenging. If you have young children, this (first seven years) is the…
On the Fourth Point of the Mont Order Values
Declaring that the Mont Order is a global group of dissident thinkers, the code of Mont states in its fourth point, “the Order can relate to the Islamic world and hopes that it will overcome Wahhabism and Takfiri sectarianism, which are plots sown against Muslims to attack their unity.” The real threat is unfortunately even broader in scope, and threatens not only the lives of Muslims with chaos and the miseries of civil war but threatens everyone. No society could be immune to a power that finds comfort in dividing everyone else to make itself feel strong. What it needs to be called, really, is a threat to global unity.…
‘Islamic’ Military Coalition – Really?
The recent announcement of an ‘Islamic’ Military Coalition by the Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia has raised some questions. The first thing that hits home is the fact that no Shia Muslim country is a part of this Islamic Coalition. I am all for a strong military coalition that has representation from all Muslim countries. This coalition on the other hand, does not include ‘all’; on the contrary, it sidelines some countries on the basis of sectarian differences. One wonders why the Ummah keeps on playing in the hands of Zionists and dividing itself on the basis of sects. Why this ‘Islamic’ military coalition comprises of only Sunni Muslim countries?…
Illegitimate Democracies – Third Point Of The Mont Order
What is so special about “democracy” and “Western values” that it is worth committing such horrific atrocities and war crimes for these ideas? In the short time that they have dominated this century so far, the “democracies” have started more wars than anyone else. They have kicked doors down, machine-gunned civilians and inflicted starvation on entire populations with economic sanctions. The “democracies” have ravaged and destroyed Libya in military aggression, and today wage new wars of occupation and regime change against a conspicuous number of different states. They cause so much suffering that anyone proud of “the West” and “democracy” today is as good as cancer. No ideology has attacked…
Blair Rants To Defend Himself In Article
Wanted war criminal Tony Blair ranted in a recent article published at the UK magazine Spectator, in an attempt to defend himself. Blair avoided mentioning Iraq or his crimes in that country throughout his article, instead focusing on what he called the “tragedy of the Labour party’s current position”. Most of Blair’s article was vacant and avoided making any particular statement other than vague references to his own ideas being more “realist”, despite them leading to failures, humiliation and defeats such as the Iraq War or strongly related ongoing Syrian conflict. At one point, Blair almost mentioned the Iraq War, stating as follows: Post 9/11 I became convinced that Islamist extremism was the security…
A ‘Kashmir Stall & Selfie Booth’ In Islamabad On World Human Rights Day
For the first time, the residence of Islamabad woke up to a pleasant surprise on World Human Rights Day: a ‘Kashmir Stall & Selfie Booth’ in the heart of the Pakistani capital. The United Nations and the international community celebrate December 10 annually in remembrance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948. Pakistan witnesses on this day by the civil society, but this is the first time that an NGO organized a street activity to engage the public on behalf of Kashmir on this day. This is also an indication of the rising importance of Kashmir in Pakistani public discourse. The Youth Forum For Kashmir, YFK, organized…
Why Are The Neocons Pathological Liars?
Originally Published By Club Of Info. A UK blogger explained in October why the neoconservatives (neocons) are liars. It’s because they follow a political philosophy that overtly justifies a clique of liars and manipulators as the ideal form of government. Straussian political philosophy, modeled on the ideas of Leo Strauss, is the basis of the ideology responsible for neocon extremism. It is this philosophy that has told them to perpetrate the greatest greatest crimes in the Twenty-First Century, including blackmail, support of genocide, and terrorist massacres against foreign states they deem “inferior” to the so-called West. The wars of aggression that the US has been starting were based on lies. These…
Discrimination In Saudi Arabia Is In Violation Of Prophet’s [PBUH] Last Sermon
Originally Published By VOE. Did anyone, including the UN and HR organizations, ever notice that besides Israel, we still have another apartheid regime on the face of this planet? Yes, it is none other than the citadel of Islam, the Saudi Arabian regime. The loudest message of Islam is that all humans, irrespective of caste, creed and ethnicity, are equal and no one has any preference over others in the eyes of God. Yet, not all Saudis are equal. The members of Royal Family are more equal than other Saudis. Other Saudis are judged on the basis of their faith and all key jobs are doled out to those who profess the Salafist faith,…
UN needed vs ISIL: UK Transhumanists
Originally Published By Club Of Info. UK Transhumanists commented on possible UK airstrikes against ISIL Takfiri terrorists being extended to the battlespace of Syria. Already, the UK is conducting such strikes in Iraq in collaboration with US allies, with apparently no impact on the course of the conflict. In a press release last week on 25 November, the UK Transhumanist Party explained its position. Attacking Syria without unambiguous approval of the United Nations or a request from the Syrian government still in power in Damascus would be an action without blessing from the party. The party said it would support bombing in Syria only if it meets three important conditions as follow:…