The Healthcare System Is A Giant Scam
The US healthcare system is a financial scam, designed for profit, not care. Unlike the rest of the world, the entire medical and healthcare system in the United States is for profit. And when there’s money to be made, you can almost be sure that someone will abuse the system. Health insurers implement secretive practices that stop people from accurately knowing what they’re being charged. Companies like TeamHealth (owned by Blackstone) have such an influence over the business of the medical industry, that chances are your doctor or nurse is employed by them. And investment firms like Vanguard and BlackRock own at least a part in almost every single major…
Impacts of Indefinite Life Extension: Answers to Common Questions
Author: Gennady Stolyarov II, Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator, Chief Executive, Nevada Transhumanist Party, Author, Death is Wrong As a proponent of attaining indefinite human longevity through the progress of medical science and technology, I am frequently asked to address key questions about the effects that indefinite life extension would have on human incentives, behaviors, and societies. Here, I offer my outlook on what some of these impacts would be. What would be the benefits of life extension? (1) The greatest benefit of life extension is the continued existence of the individual who remains alive. Each individual – apart from the worst criminals – has incalculable moral value and is a universe of ideas, experiences, emotions,…
Putting Innovation to a Vote? Majoritarian Processes versus Open Playing Fields
Author: Gennady Stolyarov II Originally Published Putting innovation to a vote is never a good idea. Consider the breakthroughs that have improved our lives the most during the 20th and early 21st centuries. Did anyone vote for or ordain the creation of desktop PCs, the Internet, smartphones, or tablet computers? No: that plethora of technological treasures was made available by individuals who perceived possibilities unknown to the majority, and who devoted their time, energy, and resources toward making those possibilities real. The electronic technologies which were unavailable to even the richest, most powerful men of the early 20th century now open up hitherto unimaginable possibilities even to children of poor…