America Failing – How Did Wal-Mart Detention Centers Become The Correct Answer
Pretty much I have remained silent over the child refugee/immigration issue that is ripping apart America. Understand the real problem was created by the Democratic Party. That is something that always escapes liberals. I see all of this condemnation for the Trump Administration and it is comical at best, disingenuous at most. This is a Democratic Party problem because they wanted to be seen as “tough on immigration” on the various campaign trails over the years. Now that you have a Republican using the laws as it was written everyone is losing their minds. Then to make matters worse, you have a refugee problem, not an immigration problem. Those people…
America Failing – The Poisoning Of Children
I cannot believe that in the year of 2016, America has allowed a population within a city to be poisoned by water. I want that simple fact to sink in, an entire city was poisoned by water in the year of 2016. This is an embarrassment of untold proportions and the worst part, it was all about money and greed. The State of Michigan, The Federal Government, and the local population failed its children. Combined they allowed the future of their own people to be poisoned by an ungodly mix of contaminants. Lead levels has been measured well over the 15ppb limit set by the EPA. This is why “America…