
Does Dark Matter Actually Exist? – Thunderbolts Project

Scientists working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are proposing a radical new theory about the nature of invisible, theoretical dark matter particles. The scientists have developed what they call a “stealth dark matter” model, which suggests that dark matter is composed of electrically charged particles and which are bound by a mysterious, unknown force. However, today in our discussion with physicist Eugene Bagashov, we take a step backwards to ask a more fundamental question: Why should anyone assume that dark matter actually exists?

Source story on theoretical “stealth” (electrically charged) dark matter particles: http://www.gizmag.com/stealth-dark-ma…

Source article on the theoretical “WIMPS” described in this video: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/… 

Previous Space News (with guest Tom Wilson) on the fruitless search for dark matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiKYv…

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