Activism,  Economy,  USA,  Wave Chronicle

Wave Chronicle Statement: US Market Watch August Edition

We have no rest for the wicked.

The US Stock Market had a rough week this week. On top of a weak Commodities Market. All being followed by a possible interest rate hike. What is happening now, should not be a massive shock to people who have followed this webpage and the information that has been provided by numerous independent sources. I will list some of them below the article for those who are not aware.

I will be perfectly honest with you. The Wave Chronicle is not setup to address these kinds of issues, meaning the economy. I normally cover them from time to time but we do not focus content weekly on this topic. Usually economic issues are addressed based on political concerns and that does not happen all of the time. All of this being said, we have the knowledge and the resources to engage in reporting exactly what is going on regarding the economy.

My point in mentioning this, is that because we lack a weekly focus on all of the economic issues, the issues as we address them on an uneven basis can and will be different based on information that is obtained, both public and private. What may be perceived as flip flopping is simply new information that has arrived that has forced a change in mentality, which may not translate as articles on this website.

I put out a World Market Watch on July 4th, 2015, from concerns on Greece and China. What happened a day or two later both Countries applied market capital controls, then on July 8th, 2015 we also had the New York Stock Exchange shutdown for a computer failure. Not for nothing, I believe the warning was well timed and valid.

Today, I am issuing a similar statement regarding the US Stock & Commodity Exchange Markets. Let me make this clear, the world is not going to end and the US Markets may even have an increase in value on Monday, although that event is unlikely. The markets outlook is dour and the US population and those with holding in USA, should do a review of such holdings.

The concerns are:

  • Inflated market bubbles (More than one) may cease to be bubbles.

  • A highly overvalued stock market outside of the bubble concern.

  • A diminished outlook on needed commodities and that does include precious metals.

  • Interest Rate Hikes, either for or against. Both have a negative connotation.

This warning is being added to the World Market Watch that is still ongoing from July. Remember folks, Eyes Open, No Fear.

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Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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