The Holiday Spirit, #OPSAFEWINTER
While we are besieged by all the false meaning of the holiday consumer season, let’s not forget the people who are less fortunate than we are.
It is not necessary to lay blame or point fingers at the people who are down on their luck, even if it is at their own hands.
This holiday season please fight against the consumerism and help those who are in need. This does not mean just the folks who are on the streets with no where to go. We have many people who are the working poor and they need help as well.
Instead of fighting over a cheap TV or a cheap Laptop, move in another direction. Help those in your local community, help members of your own family, help people just for the sake of helping them. Sometimes, all it takes is a hello, can you use a little help, or even an anonymous donation. Also do not think it is all about money as well. Some of the elderly this winter season, may just need some snow shoveled, or some other manual labor that simply they are not able to do.
In our effort to strive to do more, we do approve of the Anonymous: Operation Safe Winter, video listed below.
Strive to do more this holiday season instead of fighting for your right to do nothing.