Activism,  Conspiracy,  Politics,  Russia,  USA

The Strategic Role of Ukraine in WW3 – AMTV

This video is from Christopher Greene of AMTV. It is a solid video concerning the geo-politics of Ukraine.

In today’s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains the strategic role of Ukraine in World War 3.
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Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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