Energy from Space | The Shift Has Begun
The critical issue in this presentation is whether the reversal is going to happen soon. It is undeniable that the general pole shift and field weakening have presented symptomatically of a reversal or significant excursion, and the only point both ESA/SWARM and MIT use to quell fear is that they believe it will take 1000s of years. The math of losing 5% per decade, and the potential for fast reversals, cast a shadow on such aspersions of safety. http://news.berkeley.edu/2014/10/14/earths-magnetic-field-could-flip-within-a-human-lifetime/ http://www.Suspicious0bservers.org http://www.SpaceWeatherNews.com http://www.QuakeWatch.net http://www.ObservatoryProject.com http://www.EarthChanges.org http://www.MagneticReversal.org The Disaster Prediction App: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.disasterprediction.ios Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/disaster-prediction-app/id1177806007 For a ton of great videos, click our name and find the playlists at the bottom of…