Peace: America’s Unacceptable Option in Asia
Peace: America’s Unacceptable Option for Korea., and Blood: The ISIS Promise for China. And the world’s ultimate WMD. First, The United States is publicly and painfully grappling with its North Korea policy options: war or negotiations – when you get down to it, peace is the enemy of US influence in Asia. Then, ISIS vowed a Chinese bloodbath. And finally, on a less than lighter note, the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction in the world is not the atomic bomb, or VX nerve agent. It’s…… Show Notes http://bit.ly/2lFeAkc Join the Newsbud Community http://bit.ly/2gbO5ii Visit our website http://bit.ly/2gl9jbd Follow Newsbud on Twitter http://bit.ly/29d5XFD Follow Newsbud on Facebook bit.ly/2kEdiRY Guest AuthorAll…
The Treasonous And Criminal Actions That Caused The Russian Federation Fighter Downing
I have seen many things in my life. I did not believe that a NATO Member Nation would fire upon a non-aggressive Russian Fighter Bomber. I did not think that a NATO Member Nation would violate the Geneva Convention and shoot an ejected pilot from a plane that should never have been shot down in the first place. Then the behavior of Turkey, who was the idiot NATO member who shot down the Russian Federation war plane is beyond the pale. First, you show a video of the Russian Federation Fighter Bomber being shot down, then you show a video of the pilot who ejected getting shot and killed, then…
A Multifaceted Strategy To Defeat ISIS – Gennady Stolyarov II
Originally Published By Rationial Argumentator. The recent slaughters of hundreds of innocent civilians in Paris, in Ankara, in Beirut, and aboard the Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 illustrate without a shadow of doubt that the threat from the barbaric sect known as ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, and the Islamic State cannot be contained within the Middle East. ISIS is an enemy of humanity, decency, and Western civilization. It will continue killing completely peaceful civilians of Western nations, both in their home countries and abroad, in gruesome ways. ISIS is a cancer upon humanity, and it will continue to metastasize and inflict damage until it is either eradicated or until it completely kills…
Could ISIS Take Over Turkey? – Test Tube News
The Military Structure Of ISIS Explained http://testu.be/1K49tQH Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml After several deadly attacks and threats to the government, Turkey has officially declared war on ISIS. But will Turkey be able to keep ISIS out? Learn More: Turkey to Join Coalition’s Airstrikes Against ISIS http://www.wsj.com/articles/turkey-to… “Turkey and the U.S. have completed an agreement allowing Turkey to begin striking at Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria, the Pentagon said Tuesday, but officials said they don’t expect the airstrikes to begin immediately.” Why Turkey Has Finally Declared War on ISIS http://time.com/3971161/turkey-isis-war/ “For almost two years, Turkish troops sat idly on the country’s shared border with Syria as Islamic militants increased their territory and fought…
Money, Blood and God: Who Funds Terrorism? – How Stuff Works
It’s no secret that religious extremists in the Middle East use kidnapping and robbery to generate income — but they have investors as well. And, though you might not hear it in the news, many of these investors are US allies. Shirts They Don’t Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spr… Subscribe | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub The Rabbit Hole | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-home Audio Podcast | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-audio-itunes Follow us | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-twitter Like us | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-fb Here are the facts. Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know about everything from ancient history to UFOs, government secrets, and the future of civilization. Here’s where it gets crazy. New videos every Wednesday and Friday. Visit our Mothership: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-hsw-home…
How did ISIS become so wealthy? – How Stuff Works
It’s true – ISIS is one of the most financially successful terrorist groups in recent history. But where does all this money come from? Shirts They Don’t Want You to Own | http://stufftheydontwantyoutoknow.spr… Subscribe | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sub The Rabbit Hole | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-home Audio Podcast | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-audio-itunes Follow us | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-twitter Like us | http://bit.ly/stdwytk-fb Here are the facts. Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know about everything from ancient history to UFOs, government secrets, and the future of civilization. Here’s where it gets crazy. New videos every Wednesday and Friday. Visit our Mothership: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-hsw-home Feed your brain: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-brainstuff-home Our big brothers: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-sysk-home Blow your mind: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-stbym-home History class: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-symhc-home Your mom: http://bit.ly/stdwytk-smnty-home Guest AuthorAll Guest Author…