Refuting Ayn Rand’s “Immortal Robot” Argument – G. Stolyarov II
Here I refute an argument that has been leveled against proponents of indefinite human longevity from a surprising direction – those sympathetic to the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand. Some advocates of Ayn Rand’s philosophy believe that indefinite life would turn human beings into “immortal, indestructible robots” that, according to Ayn Rand, would have no genuine values. Both of these claims are false. Indefinite life would not turn humans into indestructible robots, nor would an indestructible robot with human abilities lack values or motivation for doing great things. In Ayn Rand’s own words, “Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death.” (John Galt’s speech in For the New Intellectual, p. 135)…
Over 1,000 Kids Will Indeed Be Taught That Death is Wrong – The Rational Argumentator
Author: Gennady Stolyarov II At least 1,029 children in at least 14 countries will be taught that death is wrong as a result of the successful provision of Death is Wrong books to 50 longevity activists throughout the world. On August 7, 2014, the last book shipment, free for all recipients, was made, paid for by the funds raised through the Indiegogo campaign I ran in coordination with the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE) from February 22 through April 23, 2014. (Read Eric Schulke’s earlier article about the success of the fundraiser and the tremendous efforts and publicity that made it possible.) While some of my critics, such as…
Quantum Suicide – Killing yourself for fun and profit
WARNING – reader discretion is advised. Suicide can seriously damage your health. Do not attempt this at home. Half of the article is a joke. Which half remains to be seen. Question – what do you experience if you stick a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger? A pic of a shotgun suicide, turned into black and white and heavily pixelated by popular demand of the squeamish editorial team. Well, the one things you do not experience is being dead, like the guy in the picture with his brains decorating the room. In fact, if we live in a sufficiently large multiverse (of which there may be…