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The Greek Crisis – Storm Clouds Gathering

I love the folks at Storm Clouds Gathering. Below is a fantastic video covering many of the same topics thatĀ our own article covered regardingĀ the warning on the World Markets. The key thing to remember is that this is a slow process right now.Ā The Greek banks have not opened yet, so keep that in mind.

The Wave Chronicle is still holding to the warning regarding World Markets and that will stay in place until the Greek banks reopen. As far as China is concerned, the Chinese Government stood up and beefed up the market, some would call it rigging the market but I am not picky. China so far is holding ground and that is all that matters.

Wave Chronicle Articles Regarding The Greek Crisis:

Foreign Policy: Greek 2015 Edition

The Greek Implosion ā€“ Epic Bank Collapse Edition

Wave Chronicle Statement: World Market Watch

Storm Cloud Gathering Info:

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Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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