Why People Consider Hurricane Katrina An ‘Act Of God’ – Seeker Daily
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When it comes to natural disasters, there are those who see the event as extreme weather and those who believe that it is an act of God.
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Have Storms Gotten Worse Since Hurricane Katrina?
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Beware the Politics of Seeing Religious ‘Meaning’ in Disasters
The Wire – http://thewire.in/2015/05/21/beware-t…
“While many of these expressions appear to be unscientific and even distasteful, especially in the aftermath of devastations such as the Kathmandu earthquake, the fact remains that religion has always played an important role in assigning ‘meanings’ to disasters.”
Hurricane Sandy Presents Complex Questions About God For Clergy And The Faithful As Victims Cope
Huffington Post – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10…
“Natural disasters are difficult to understand. For even the most devout person who may be faced with a catastrophic loss, it can really shake them,” Martin said on Monday. “It’s one thing to read about this in a theology book. It’s another to have your house swept away.”
Hurricane Katrina: Wrath of God?
NBC – http://www.nbcnews.com/id/9600878/ns/…
“This is one wicked city, OK? It’s known for Mardi Gras, for Satan worship. It’s known for sex perversion. It’s known for every type of drugs and alcohol and the orgies and all of these things that go on down there in New Orleans. Reverend Graham continued, “There’s been a black spiritual cloud over New Orleans for years. They believe God is going to use that storm to bring revival.”
Haiti: Natural Disasters and Religious Belief
Psychology Today – https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/…
“One of the things I always find striking after a major natural disaster such as the recent earthquake in Haiti is how religious believers and non-believers quickly reach diametrically opposing conclusions about the implications of the disaster. For non-believers, natural disasters are evidence that God does not exist – for what kind of benevolent, just or omnipotent figure would cause wanton harm to so many thousands of innocent people?”
Religious Fatalism Sets In Amid Nepal’s Shattered Shrines And Temples
Huffington Post – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04…
“According to the United Nations, 600,000 houses have been destroyed or damaged, and 2 million Nepalese will need tents, water, food and medicine. Many here say they will also need God, regardless of what happened to the temples, shrines and churches. That is, if people believe God is still around.”