Charlie Hebdo – Going Forward
It is truly sad that I need to address this issue within a article. The Wave Chronicle / The Sea stands firmly against hate, fear, and discrimination.
Sadly, the Charlie Hebdo tragedy is being used by a corrupt politician class to restrict rights of individuals and groups. Which stands against everything that the #JeSuisCharlie movement represents. Satire, is a necessary tool for a free society and it has to be protected as any other free speech.
One of the groups who has been discriminated against is the folks at Storm Clouds Gathering, who had the French version of one of their video’s pulled down by Youtube. Considering that the English version of the same topic has 2.5 million views, will tell you that a government has an issue with the information. You know damn well that Youtube is not going to pull down a popular video with millions of views on their own.
Below is a video from Storm Clouds Gathering covering the issue:
We don’t have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started. Sources, transcript and download links:…
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