
The Passing

We will all pass over to the next life

If you have lived your life well, it is a good thing

It is still difficult for those left behind

The hurt is still left

The loss lays heavy

And fate is questioned

It is never easy to lose a loved one

In spite of the loss, we must move on

This life has had its tolls

Some more costly than others

The path ahead will be rocky

But we will survive this passing, together

Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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