Twenty Word Story – Can you write a story in 20 words or less?
The idea for such a short short story came from an advert I heard years ago. It used a string of single, almost unconnected, words to create an image and narrative in the mind of the listener.
Subsequently I have occasionally tried my hand at doing something similar. For example:
Ten Second Horror Story: Isolated. House. Night. Alone. Reading. Claw. Lightswitch. Powercut. Darkness. Growling. Screaming. Silence. The End.
So what we are going to do on Wave Chronicle is take this technique and see what people can come up with using less than twenty words (excluding the title) based around the general theme of “Future” – which is a fairly wide scope. So, everything from SciFi to politics and religion to art, scitech, Transhumanism…
Just add your contribution into the comments.