Who I’m Voting For…
And Its Not Who You Think
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Directed by Joe Lombardi – @aztechfilm
Music by DjsNeverEndingStory
Executive Producer – Jamee Ranta
Casting Director β Spencer Sharp
Graphics – Hodja Berlev (Neonbyte)
Directors Of Photography β Brandon Sloan (STL) & Joe Lombardi (LA)
Jib Operator β Brant Hadfield
1st ACβs β Anne Freivogel (STL) & Austin Call (LA)
Production Manager β Columbia Tatone
Hair & Makeup – Celina Rodrigeuz
Art Department β Eric Palmer & Kevin Beebe
G&E β Vassily Thompson
Production Assistant β Will Dale
Ione Butler
Michael Marlow
Crystal Denha
Troy Terashita
Camila Ivera
Marbet Alexa
Jennifer Danyel
William Ngo
Prab Kumar
Yey Khan
Lexi Atkins
Keren Coghill
April Henry
Brielle Ansdell
Morgan Mcvey
Andi Wynter
Maddie Carreon
Steven John
Mario Borgatta
Jansen Lashley-Haynes
Morgan Lashley-Haynes
Lexington Lashley-Haynes
Elizabeth Lashley-Haynes
Tyler Smyth
Kim Smyth
Chance Caeden
Briana Roy
Will Brown
Rhett Lesslie
Cameras Provided by BrainBox Cameras
Prince EA
http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEaΒ // @PrinceEa