Ladies Monday: My Why
A few weeks ago, I was giving a talk for teachers in NYC, where I shared my story of why I got started in the career that I’m in. One of the teachers came up to me after my speech and said, “I was so impressed and compelled by you as a person, your aura, your presence and just the positivity for life that you exude! Would you be able to do a quick video with your story, because just as you touched me, I know that you can do the same and more for my students.”
It’s not often that I share this story when I’m speaking or when I’m training people, and it is at the essence of why I do what I do today and a huge part of who I am. Those of you that know me well know how much of an impact it’s made on my life.
Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences. You are here to go conquer big things, live your life in crazy whimsy love, and go after everything you’ve ever wanted! So here’s the video that I made for the students. I hope my story inspires them. And I hope it and inspires you to take one step closer towards your goals. How will you be brave today?