The Saudi Purge Is A Global Crisis
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=25008 The House of Saud is in crisis as MBS consolidates his hold on the kingdom and prepares to transform Saudi Arabia in his image. But what is behind the purge, and how does it relate to the future of the world monetary system. Join James for a classic Corbett Report debriefing on the Saudi purge and the rise of the petroyuan. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
White House Prepares Another Chemical Weapon False Flag Attack in Syria
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=23146 The White House announced on Monday that they are preparing to frame Syrian President Assad for the next chemical weapon attack in Syria, essentially giving the green light to their Al-CIA-da forces to proceed with another false flag event. So who is behind this, what is at stake, and where is the attack likely to take place? Join James for this Thought For The Day as he goes over the latest information on this false flag attack and solicits your participation in an open source investigation. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author…
Post-Soviet Russia, Made In The U.S.A.
The increased aggression towards Russia from US politicians and media is made more clear when taking into account the real history of the post-Soviet period. The hidden story of Boris Yeltsin’s presidency explains how deeply the US government, along with Western capitalist institutions, cheered, shaped and exploited the country after the fall of the Soviet Union, paving the way for the political system they all condemn today. To uncover just how much the US Empire has interfered in Russia’s political evolution, Abby Martin interviews Mark Ames, an American journalist who spent a decade reporting from Yeltsin’ and Putin’s Russia and witnessed the country’s transformation from an American “colony” to it’s…
US-Russia Relations in “Most Dangerous Moment”
Leading scholar on US-Russia relations addresses the claim being trumpeted by politicians and media on both sides of the political spectrum that Russia is now the “number one” threat to the United States. Given the proxy wars in Syria and Ukraine, Dr. Cohen tells host Abby Martin that the real alarming danger today is “a new, multi-front Cuban missile crisis.” Dr. Stephen Cohen is Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and New York University where he taught Russian Studies. He has been a noted author and commentator on US-Russia policy for decades. https://videosenglish.telesurtv.net/v… Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To…
The Russians Are Coming: NATO’s Frontier – Vice News
In the wake of events in Ukraine, NATO has turned its attention towards countries that border the Russian Federation — attempting to boost its quick-response capabilities in Europe. In September, the alliance agreed to create a 5,000-strong rapid reaction Spearhead Force, which will be capable of deploying across the continent within 48-hours of a military incursion. VICE News joined several thousand NATO troops in western Poland, for the first deployment test of the “Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.” According to the premise of the exercise, Poland and the Baltics were under threat from the fictional state of “Bothnia” — a master of conventional and hybrid warfare. NATO forces had…
To Prevent World War III, Do Not Arm Ukraine’s Regime – The Rational Argumentator
Author: Gennady Stolyarov II “I can no longer say that this Cold War will not lead to a ‘Hot War.’ I fear that they could risk it. […]The statements and propaganda on both sides make me fear the worst. If anyone loses their nerve in this charged atmosphere, we will not survive the next few years. […]I do not say such things lightly….I am a man with a conscience. But that’s how it is. I’m really extremely worried.” ~ Mikhail Gorbachev “I’m uneasy about beginning a process of military engagement without knowing where it will lead us and what we’ll do to sustain it. […] I believe we should…
America Failing – Real Leadership In Crisis
With the growing crisis in the Ukraine civil war and the downing of flight MH17, what we need is real American Leadership. In a time not so long ago and not that far away an American President would have seized the day. The American President would have found a way to bring peace to a region that should have always been peaceful in the first place. That same American President would have found a way to end the crisis and insure that the remains of the victims of flight MH17 would be returned to their home nations. Which would have been done without the regard for political agenda or special…
SCG: The Odessa Massacre – What REALLY Happened
This is a solid video from Storm Clouds Gathering. Ukraine is another proxy war of innocent people getting killed. It is important to know the truth and not what the main stream media is trying to shove down the throats of the populace. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Space Monkeys With Blasters – The Frolov Chronicles
We have many friends and acquaintances at the Wave Chronicle. This is a Facebook posting from Vladimir Frolov. It gives a fantastic point of view of the Russian mindset of today. Tristan is my favourite Facebook friend, because he is very sensitive. So, he provides more high-res map for navigating nuances of American culture than Sia and Korman, who are more reserved. BTW, Tristan, have you seen my right hand? http://ljplus.ru/img4/y/a/yarowrath/swastika-scar.jpg It’s from blood brotherhood pact made after a duel. The guy I duelled with is now Russia’s number one Ultranationalist blogger (I used to hold that title back when the duel happened). Not all duels ended this good. Duel with…
Ukraine’s “Territorial Integrity” is Not Worth a Single Human Life
Author: Gennady Stolyarov II “Who likes it when a nation shoots at its own people? We weren’t against being part of Ukraine, but after the latest events, we’ve changed our minds.” ~ Natalia Vasilieva, Retiree in Donetsk, Quoted by the Wall Street Journal On May 11, 2014, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions voted in favor of independence from Ukraine. Irrespective of questions regarding the legality of this referendum (which can similarly be raised regarding the legality of Ukraine’s current completely unelected interim government) and the possibly biased sample of voters who turned out as compared to the general population of the regions, two facts are undeniable: (1) the…