A Message to New Conspiracy Theorists
So, it’s 2020 and you’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Disorienting, isn’t it? Well, don’t worry: you are not alone. On this special edition of The Corbett Report, James Corbett welcomes all the newcomers to the reality-based community and gives them some tips and advice that he’s learned along the way about navigating this world of lies and cover ups. SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=37693 Mike DoddI have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards.…
Behave Differently
2020 has been utterly and completely insane. From my point of view it is based on unrealistic expectations. We are in a Pandemic. This is not a political opinion, simply a fact. You have to behave differently and to be honest in a civilized society, you should not have to be told that. Eventually, we will hit over 200,000 dead and we have enough data to prove of long term health issues for the others who have survived. This is why you need to behave differently. Economically, we have devastated our economy to help prevent death and infections. Which has caused hardships on the majority of America. We as a…
Is AI a species-level threat to humanity?
When it comes to the question of whether AI is an existential threat to the human species, you have Elon Musk in one corner, Steven Pinker in another, and a host of incredible minds somewhere in between. In this video, a handful of those great minds—Elon Musk, Steven Pinker, Michio Kaku, Max Tegmark, Luis Perez-Breva, Joscha Bach and Sophia the Robot herself—weigh in on the many nuances of the debate and the degree to which AI is a threat to humanity; if it’s not a species-level threat, it will still upend our world as we know it. Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Learn skills from the world’s…
We Are Not In A Healthy Place And We Need To Vocalize It
As a transhumanist, I am horrified where we are at this moment in time. Society as a whole is moving at warp speed into a very large brick wall and people right now are complaining that we are not heading into the brick wall fast enough. This is a dystopian nightmare in the here and now and to be honest not enough people are vocalizing that simple fact. Good people right now are sitting back and watching this nightmare and are afraid to vocalize the truth and to call out the madness for what it truly is, Madness. Society is breaking down into it’s lowest common denominator based on racial…
The New Normal
Editors Note: I am listing two videos from the ReallyGraceful YouTube channel because both of them really do belong together. She has some really great thoughts on what is going on and a view of how the warped future may just play out. It is a good watch so enjoy. This video covers the strange events that have been taking place over the last week, between the burning of the baconators to the current state of the new normal, and what awaits for us in fall…and there’s also a little bonus story at the end. Hey internet friends. This video is about the huge media black-out last night that occurred…
We Need To Reset This Economy
The one thing we can say at this point in time. China cannot be the manufacturing center for the world. Simply, China has failed and the New World Order Economy has to come to an end. You cannot continue to accept the lies coming out of the Chinese Communist Party. You can no longer accept that the CCP will tell the truth to its trading partners. China simply lacks the honor and the respect to safely manufacture products for their trading partners and they cannot be trusted with common and necessary safety protocols. Simply, that ship has sailed away, and as a culture, they are not going to change. What…
Remember Who We Are
I have seen a number of posts and comments from Transhumanists putting economy over lives during this COVID-19 Pandemic. This mentality is not who we are. We hold life as the highest endeavour and it is to be fought for to the bitter end. We do not bow to the Economic Elitists because the costs are too high. I am going to point out some of the finer points from Zero State, a group that existed some time ago that gave birth to a vast number of Transhumanist leaders of today. The Way Of The Sea Personal liberty and equality of opportunity are of paramount importance within the Sea and…
The Transhuman Code
Editors Note: This video has a very high level of Bull Shit and Rich People Thinking Out Loud content. You do have to get past 2 to 3 minutes of personal agenda and promotion. What I want you to get out of this video is his level of thinking and what his view of the future actually is. Eyes Open, No Fear. The Transhuman Code Carlos Moreira, WISeKey Mike DoddI have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites…
Here Is The Moment That Social Justice Warriors Came To Transhumanism
Greetings Good People, I have come across a video, which I have waited for some time to actually arrive. Please watch it below: Now, I do not personally know any of the people involved in the making of this video. So I am not going to overly defame the exact people involved or their personal motives, because it is simply not necessary. We have our first incursion of Social Justice Warriors, first defaming those who have been here and secondly changing everything that we stand for, in one of the most negative ways possible. The video in and of itself is not all negative and does have some positive values,…
Amazon Pays No Tax For Second Year In A Row
Jeff Bezos of Amazon has found a way to not paying Corporate taxes for the 2nd year in a row. This simple fact says a lot about the kind of person that Jeff Bezos is and the Corporate Culture of Amazon. The reality that Jeff Bezos and Amazon believes that they do not have to contribute to the well being of America is the most important items for this individual and corporate entity. This screams volumes of the corporate responsibility culture that most corporations have for America. It is great to wave the Red, White, and Blue but do not even think that these rich and spoiled corporations are going…