The Treasonous And Criminal Actions That Caused The Russian Federation Fighter Downing
I have seen many things in my life. I did not believe that a NATO Member Nation would fire upon a non-aggressive Russian Fighter Bomber. I did not think that a NATO Member Nation would violate the Geneva Convention and shoot an ejected pilot from a plane that should never have been shot down in the first place. Then the behavior of Turkey, who was the idiot NATO member who shot down the Russian Federation war plane is beyond the pale. First, you show a video of the Russian Federation Fighter Bomber being shot down, then you show a video of the pilot who ejected getting shot and killed, then…
Wave Chronicle Statement: The New World Order Economy
Whenever you read about the New World Order (NWO) is always filled with a certain amount of conspiracy theory. The NWO / Agenda 21 politics is something I am not going to cover here. What I am going to cover is the current real world issue of this New World Order Economy. The issue is that you have a world economy that depends on each other. Every single industrialized nation is now linked together, like one giant serpent. This you see is the problem, everyone of the industrialized and commodity rich nations have a purpose in each others economy. This is exactly what the NWO is and what politicians for…
American Foreign Policy Rogue Edition September 2014
I have been looking to do a new American foreign policy article for easily a year. Sadly, the US administration has made this impossible. Currently, I cannot figure out exactly what the American foreign policy game plan is, other than simply delving into conspiracy theory madness. I am not saying that the conspiracy theory madness is wrong, just that I do not plan at this time to address those items until I have more information. This is the Rogue Edition,which mean, the policies below are in opposition to current US warmonger elite positions. This is going to be addressed by the two main crisis regions: Middle East: Sabotage the Islamist…
AMTV : Ukraine: USA Will Lose WW3
AMTV put together this video of the ongoing drama of Ukraine and the US involvement. The video has a number of good points, the video is not perfect so know that before watching. You will hear a bit of fear and a bit of conspiracy that should be taken with a bit of salt. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
The American Foreign Policy For Dummies The Ukraine – Russia Edition
It amazes me how we have to keep having these kinds of discussions. But, it has been an interesting few weeks, lets have recap. The United States, in violation of an international treaty, decides to support National Socialists in overthrowing the Ukrainian government. This does not happen every day, this takes a special kind of stupid, luckily in the United States, the government has worked hard in dumbing down the American population for decades. It get’s better, the United States takes these actions while Russia is hosting and protecting the Winter Olympic. Mind you, this is an event that the United States has gone all out to state, that the Russians…
Ukraine – America Spreading The Flames Of Hate
I have been planning a whole new foreign policy article and it has been in the works for a couple of months. Time and time again the US Government has gone out of their way to stall that article. It is hard for me to ignore such bad decisions by my government, so I have to write another article on why the United States of America is spreading the flames of hate across the world. What has mystified me about this new American endeavor, is why did the US Government knowing back National Socialists in Ukraine. As a note: Most if not all of my American audience will have no clue…
Why Has America Failed In The Role Of Leading Freedom Across The World?
Why has America failed in the role of leading freedom across the world? Why has America lost the ability to lead nations? Why has America stopped being the beacon of hope and freedom? The leadership in America has no clue as to why it has failed in the three questions above. The leadership in America is truly shocked that the population of the world simply does not believe them and this is the first time in recent history that American leadership has been questioned and mocked. The main reason why American leadership has failed, is solely due to the efforts of the citizens of the United States. In the…
American Foreign Policy For Dummies
We have gotten to the point in our lives in 2014 that we need to have a Dummies book for American foreign policy. Let’s start with America looking to aid Al Qaeda in Syria. I guess we were supposed to forget how Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11 and please do not talk to me about false flag operations. For the sake of discussion let’s stick to the concept Al Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. So, let’s think about this, the enemy of the Saudis is our enemy, so we will send our enemy to help the Saudis defeat their enemy. Did anyone just get that… So let’s watch some…
Being Left Behind – The American Experience
A continuation of an article originally published on our sister site RedWolf’s Hall. On July 18th 2013, a capital city in The United States has gone under. The capital city of Detroit seeks to file for bankruptcy. Now, in most other countries this would be a crisis, that the countries leader would seek to address. You would think that a financial plan by The United States would be hatched to save the city? Sadly, you are wrong, below is a 17 minute video of President Nero from July 19th 2013: What you get from President Nero is a nothing story on an event that does not matter in American history. What…
Egypt Must Move Forward At Any Cost
Originally Published on RedWolf’s Hall August 18th, 2013 The situation in Egypt is ugly and the hall does not condone violence against civilians. Sadly, the Egyptian military must continue to move forward and if that means you have to attack the Muslim Brotherhood, then that is exactly what needs to be done. This is the time to take the nation of Egypt forward and into the future. The Muslim Brotherhood are regressives, the sole purpose of their islamist organization is to drag the nation of Egypt back to the dark ages. The people of Egypt, need to move forward and need to remove the decay that plague’s this the nation as…