Negotiating Your Inner Landscape Through Troubling Times
Hey beautiful human, Had a completely different video ready to publish right now, but it just felt weird amongst everything else happening to post it, so thought I’d just chat with you – fresh out of therapy last night and some insights I’ve had learning to navigate my inner landscape during troubling times when you might feel helpless, sad, lost. Thank you so much for watching, and have a glorious day. Much love! PS. New Podcast on similar topic: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/31bz… Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast… ► MY IMPORTANT LINKS AND SOCIAL MEDIA: • My Advanced Selfie University: http://advancedselfie.co/ • My Photography Presets, Media Kit and Email Collaboration Templates : http://sorelleamore.com/shop • Instagram:…
The Most Evil Financial Lie Of Our Time
This could be the biggest financial lie in history. And it’s something that, if true, is likely going to affect our lives more than we can possibly imagine. For the month of February, we’re going to be changing our content a little. Firstly, by only posting one video a week, and secondly, by focusing our videos on major financial news stories. Stories you may have never heard of, but will likely change your life nonetheless. In today’s video, I’m talking about inflation. And how the manipulation of inflation data could be one of the biggest lies sold to the public in history. But at least in the last hundred years.…
How I Saved My First $100K
This is how I saved $100K by the age of 27 (I think). Not saying I’m not sure if I actually saved the money, I just don’t know what age I did it by. But I think it was 27. In this video, I’m going to share with you my money-saving formula. But in a lot of ways, it’s not necessarily about “save X% every month”, it’s more about the larger-scale philosophies that I’ve used in my life to grow my income, that’s allowed me to save more. I’d love to hear what are the things that have stopped you from succeeding in your money-saving journey more than you’d like,…
The MYTHS and LIES we’re told about Bitcoin
Lies and myths we’re told about crypto, especially Bitcoin. Today, you can’t turn on the news, or open your feed, without hearing something about crypto. Some is positive, but a lot of what’s being pushed is negative. WHERE WE HOLD CRYPTO: https://bit.ly/abun-blockfi Get up to $250 in free Bitcoin on your first deposit, and earn up to 7.50% APY in interest on your holdings, by signing up via the link above. For example, I’m sure that you’ve heard Bitcoin is bad for the environment. But is it really though? And is crypto a tool for those who have nefarious intentions, to hold their money where nobody can find it? And…
What’s really behind “The Great Reset”?
Is this the real power behind the Great Reset? Look, we’ve all heard the taglines, seen the logos, and heard a story or two about what this could all be about. But what’s the real truth? Well, I can’t say I know for sure. But based on how companies have used lobbying over the past century of human history, we have a pretty good idea of what generally happens when money goes into any concentrated PR effort. Let alone one that’s being enacted on a global scale. In this video, I’m not making any accusations. I’m just taking evidence and looking at what could potentially be happening in a hypothetical…
BlackRock – The Company That Owns The World
BlackRock: the company that owns the world. You may have never heard of them, but I guarantee they’re having some kind of impact on your life, your debt, the cost of things in the world around you, and even our environment. I wanted to create a little bit of a different video here, to shine some light on some of the reasons the world is the way it is, especially in regards to the economic state of things. Sometimes, you might think that debt, credit, ownership, and prices are just the way they are by accident. But here, I’ll show you that due to the way the world is owned,…