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Mont Order October 2015 Conference: Values of the Mont Order

The goal of the Mont Order’s 24 October “Security Council” discussion was to determine some shared values upon which to expand membership and take future action. Although a number of domestic and international issues were discussed in the conference, and these were helpful in spotting shared values between members, they are not relevant to the points of the value system themselves, which are as follow.

1. The Order maintains a philosophy based on collaboration, mutual support and grassroots coordination rather than traditional management.

2. The Order accepts positive and popular globalism based on the inevitable trajectories of technology to unite disparate people across borders. Our own identity is closely tied to events in the world, mainly involving technology, as the internet enabled this group to exist. We see how technology is escaping its creators’ designs and we celebrate this trend, which has also empowered us. However, we oppose with absolute conviction the neoconservative and neoliberal views of some major tech corporations including Google.

3. The Order questions the legitimacy of democratic regimes in the West and asserts that they are really driven by the “deep state” of regime insiders and employees, in particular military and industrial figures.

4. The Order can relate to the Islamic world and hopes that it will overcome Wahhabism and Takfiri sectarianism, which are plots sown against Muslims to attack their unity.

5. The Order questions the territorial claims of countries which rely on colonial policies of occupation, censorship and human rights abuses to make these claims.

6. The Order supports all liberation, resistance and anti-nationalism in the sense that the movements are directed against occupying and colonial central governments.

7. The Order does not endorse the careers of specific politicians or registered political parties, as it keeps its doors open to broader global collaboration.

Inheritance, Equilibrium, Order

Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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