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Wave Chronicle Statement: The New World Order Economy

Whenever you read about the New World Order (NWO) is always filled with a certain amount of conspiracy theory. The NWO / Agenda 21 politics is something I am not going to cover here. What I am going to cover is the current real world issue of this New World Order Economy.

The issue is that you have a world economy that depends on each other. Every single industrialized nation is now linked together, like one giant serpent. This you see is the problem, everyone of the industrialized and commodity rich nations have a purpose in each others economy. This is exactly what the NWO is and what politicians for years have had a goal to reach.

What has happened over the past few years are actions by NWO economic nations, that are against the principles of the New World Order. The problem with war, refugees, and sanctions is that it adversely effects the world economy, especially when it has an adverse effect on nations part of the NWO economy.

Current NWO economic nations that have gone off the reservation of the NWO principles:

  • United States of America
    • Proxy War on Syria.
    • Proxy War on Ukraine
    • Russian Federation sanctions who is a NWO economic nation.
    • IMF failure in Greece and NWO economic nation to be Ukraine.
  • Germany
    • Failure to renegotiate Greek debt for the second time. Which will lead to another crisis in three years.
  • China
    • Failure to inform working partners that it could not maintain growth and consumption.
    • Failure to reform it’s financial systems, which almost created a world economy meltdown.

The NWO economy is based on free flow system. Whether it is money, product, commodities, and or technology, if that free flow stops or is impeded, then adverse economic conditions follow. Below is sample of the current problems that are impeding the free flow system of the NWO economy:

  • Proxy War On Syria
    • It made an industrialized nation into a third world hell hole.
    • You have a failure of consumption that Syria, as an industrialized nation, was a part off.
    • You now have Syrian refugees taking resources from NWO economic nations, which does not even address the chaos that refugees bring to all of the nations along the foot traffic way to the new host nation.
  • Proxy War On Ukraine
    • The IMF, World Bank, USA, and NATO Nations all sticking Ukraine with debt, it is never going to be able to pay for, even with all of the commodity that this nation has.
    • The Proxy War has segregated Ukraine and has caused destruction across vast sections of this large nation. It will have to be rebuilt and retooled before it will even be close to joining as a full member of the NWO economy.
    • The Proxy war has stripped resources from NATO, USA, and Russian Federation for no good reason. Especially the NATO nations, who are not prepared if this becomes a HOT Zone like Syria. The Russian Federation has had to build new supply lines to support Crimea, which has not been well reported on.
  • Russian Federation Sanctions
    • Easily the dumbest action that could have happened to the world economy. The Russian Federation is both a consumer of commodities and a supplier of commodities. Imposing sanctions only weakens the economic free flow system, so only thinking that this would effect the Russian Federation is moronic at best.  In this economic system, you cannot impede or stop the flow of the economic free flow system. When you poison one end of the snake, you poison all of the snake.
  • Greece
    • By not negotiating the debt for the second time, you setup the same default in roughly two to three years. The solution of poisoning the Greeks does nothing to help the free flow system. It is just another crisis that is going to happen and this time you may not have the economic conditions that allows you to make the same bad decision again.
  • China
    • The failure of China to build in safe guards into its financial system is shocking. If China wants to be the lead NWO economic nation, it needs to do a better job at providing balance to the market. If you want to be the big dog, you have to behave like the big dog.
    • Failing to discuss weakening growth with suppliers is unthinkable. Being honest, which is a laughable principal in business today, is a necessary evil with the free flow economic system. China has to provide correct forecasts on growth. It does not help anyone if you state a 7% growth rate and then not even come close to reaching it.  This situation has a fundamental impact on the world economy, having a low supply problem is not necessarily a bad thing, but having a lack of demand issue is deadly.

The world economy is on shaky ground. Do not believe the large losses or the large gains are over. War, sanctions, refugees, and hiding failed economic forecasts does not help this free flow system of economy. Most people have this failed opinion that War is a good thing for business. In the past that may have been correct but in the NWO free flow system of economy, it would not. Especially for the USA, who keeps forgetting it does not have the necessary manufacturing ability to sustain a war economy.

The NWO economy is a snake, not a hydra, if you poison the host, you poison everyone.

Source Material:

Mike Dodd

I have a wide range of views and opinions. I have worked in a number of industries some of them are: Banking, Dairy, Health Insurance, Education and Government. I am the owner and editor in charge of a number of websites and message boards. The crown jewel of the websites is which covers a wide variety of content. The Wave Chronicle is a site built to put forth thought provoking information, which can range from activism, politics, technology, philosophy, climate change, education, futurist / transhumanist theory and some fun articles that tend to be on the conspiracy theory side. Finally, I am also an accomplished no limit holdem poker player who sadly does not see enough time at a poker table.

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