American Foreign Policy Rogue Edition September 2014
I have been looking to do a new American foreign policy article for easily a year. Sadly, the US administration has made this impossible. Currently, I cannot figure out exactly what the American foreign policy game plan is, other than simply delving into conspiracy theory madness. I am not saying that the conspiracy theory madness is wrong, just that I do not plan at this time to address those items until I have more information. This is the Rogue Edition,which mean, the policies below are in opposition to current US warmonger elite positions. This is going to be addressed by the two main crisis regions: Middle East: Sabotage the Islamist…
Egypt Must Move Forward At Any Cost
Originally Published on RedWolf’s Hall August 18th, 2013 The situation in Egypt is ugly and the hall does not condone violence against civilians. Sadly, the Egyptian military must continue to move forward and if that means you have to attack the Muslim Brotherhood, then that is exactly what needs to be done. This is the time to take the nation of Egypt forward and into the future. The Muslim Brotherhood are regressives, the sole purpose of their islamist organization is to drag the nation of Egypt back to the dark ages. The people of Egypt, need to move forward and need to remove the decay that plague’s this the nation as…
Egypt Fighting For The Future
Originally Published On RedWolf’s Hall July 5th, 2013 The people of Egypt made the correct decision and are fighting for the future of their nation. The Muslim Brotherhood is an islamist organization that will drag the Egyptian people back to the stone age. This is all about the future for the Egyptian people and the geopolitics need to come to an end. Egypt throughout history had been a society of technologically advanced people. Now these same people are going backwards as the rest of the Western World are moving forward. Look at this image above, it is a valid symbol of Egypt’s past and future. The pyramids are the height and…