#PropagandaWatch – Kia’s Driverless Future!
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=27563 In this first installment of the #PropagandaWatch series, James breaks down the latest advertising/conditioning campaign from Kia preparing us for the driverless future. Who will save the residents of Neverland from the perils of traffic jams? Why, Peter, Kia, and driverless technology, of course! Blecch. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition
SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=27735 Don’t be an idiot! The government is NOT going to be the neutral arbiters of the internet and the big tech companies are NOT monopolies unless YOU forfeit your responsibility and use their controlled platforms. The answers to the social media crackdown are already here and it is your choice whether the alternatives that already exist thrive or die. It’s up to you. Choose wisely. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Pricking The Filter Bubble
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/filterb… Recommended videos. Tailored newsfeeds. Personalized search results. Know it or not, we are increasingly living in filter bubbles that are being determined by algorithms we know nothing about. Worse than that, we are increasingly retreating into the online echo chamber bubbles of our own making. So where is this all heading and how can we steer ourselves away from this precipice? Join James for this edition of The Corbett Report podcast to find out more. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts…
Meet Paul Ehrlich, The New World Order’s Scientist
TRANSCRIPT AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/ehrlich/ Renowned scientist Paul Ehrlich has been in the public spotlight for half a century now. But there’s a question at the heart of the story of Ehrlich’s unlikely rise to prominence. A question that must be answered. Why is it that this entomologist has become such a superstar of science, received so many accolades and awards, and wielded such influence over the public conversation on population despite being so remarkably, consistently, staggeringly wrong about the issues he presumes to lecture the public on? Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please…
Don’t Be An Idiot! Get Rid of Alexa!
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=27067 Who would have ever guessed that the creepy spy gadget that’s listening to everything you do is listening to everything you do? Anyone with half a brain, that’s who. Don’t buy this garbage, and don’t let your friends buy it, either. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/ngo/ The Trojan horse was the earliest recorded military psyop. That psyop continues to be deployed on unsuspecting populations and it is just as useful as ever, but today’s tricksters have donned the mantle of philanthropy, and their Trojan horses are not wooden statues but non-governmental organizations offering “aid” to foreign nations. In today’s edition of The Corbett Report, we’ll learn about how NGOs are the deep state’s Trojan horses. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat
TRANSCRIPT AND MP3 AUDIO:Â https://www.corbettreport.com/israeli… There is i, in fact, Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast, undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It’s Israel. Editors Note: Some Helpful Links Operation Olympic Games Is The Neo-Con Threat On Technology Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post…
Spontaneous Order
TRANSCRIPT AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/order/ When you hear the word “order” do you automatically think of government? What if I were to tell you there’s an entirely different conception of societal order, one that doesn’t revolve around hierarchy but in fact specifically refutes it? Well, there is, and it’s called “spontaneous order.” Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website
Crypto-Anarchism and Holistic Self-Assessment
Editors Note: This video can be a bit slow between Derrick Broze and James Corbett. It is still a solid video regarding cryptocurrencies and decentralization. It is also a fantastic philosophy video using the crypto space. Enjoy, the talk and give it some time. SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=26355 Today James welcomes back Derrick Broze of TheConsciousResistance.com for a wide-ranging conversation on the pros and cons of cryptocurrency and its potential to fund independent journalism. We also go in-depth into Derrick’s new (free) Holistic Self-Assessment and the importance of better understanding and improving ourselves before we change the world. Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content…
China Banning People From Transit for Bad “Social Credit” Scores
SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=26449 The slow-motion train wreck of “social credit” systems and the “gamification” of society has moved to the next stage. Now the Chinese government is going to start barring people from flying or riding trains if their social credit score is not up to snuff. China may be the test case for these ideas, but they’re already being rolled out in other countries. So what are we going to do about it? Guest AuthorAll Guest Author Posts are submitted or additional content Wave Chronicle has added to the website. To be a Guest Author please visit our "Post Your Article" page.More Posts - Website