DIY Soylent: A Possible Solution To World Hunger
Author: BrighterBrains.org – Hank Pellissier Can DIY-Soylent cure the pangs of World Hunger? Can the alchemists of future food collect sufficient funds to fill the bellies of famished children? Powderedfood.com believes YES. On June 11, they launched a crowdfunding campaign – their weighty ambition is to ship 3 million calories to The Philippines, enough chemical chow to satiate every starving young student at San Lorenzo Ruiz Academy for 2 weeks. Recipients are the Alangyan Mangyan, an indigenous tribe in the mountain jungles of Mindoro island. Malnourished, isolated, largely illiterate, with parasitical worms, tuberculosis, diarrhea, measles, no clean water and no sewage systems, the Alangyan Mangyan are “the poorest of the…