The Futurist New Deal For America
US Transhumanist Party candidate for President, Johannon Ben Zion has a futurist new deal for America. This concept stoked my interest when I was listening to the debate between all of the US Transhumanist Party candidates. I wanted more information on this concept and Johannon Ben Zion was kind enough to forward this information to me.
What I am going to do is quote some content from his plan below. It will be short and condensed, to read more into the exact details of the plan you can download the PDF file at the end of the article. I am also going to list an interview that was done between Johannon Ben Zion and Debt Nation and the US Transhumanist Party Presidential Debate.
The Futurist New Deal and I-Voting:
The primary Futurist New Deal mandate for blockchain technology is evoting. By casting votes as transactions, we can create a blockchain which keeps track of the tally of the votes. This way, everyone can agree on the final count because they can count the votes themselves, and because of the blockchain audit trail, they can verify that no votes were changed or removed, and no illegitimate votes were added.
The Futurist New Deal: Voter Participation Information:
To ensure voter registration rolls are accurate and regularly updated, states should enlist the help of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). ERIC uses advanced technology and information to identify voter registrations that are outdated or invalid; this includes names, addresses, birthdates, and other points of comparison through official data from voter registration rolls, motor vehicle records, postal addresses, and Social Security death records. Upon receiving ERIC’s results, states contact residents identified by the program as eligible but unregistered to vote in order to educate them on the most efficient means of completing their voter registration. For those whose registration information is identified by the report as inaccurate or outdated, the state provides them with information on how to update their record. Through ERIC, states improve the accuracy of voting rolls and identify new eligible residents in order to facilitate their registration. To streamline voter registration, states should implement the following pro-voter policies, all of which have been shown to increase voter participation and make it more convenient to get registered and keep one’s registration up-to-date: Automatic voter registration, Same-day voter registration, Preregistration of 16- and 17-year-olds, Online voter registration, Automatic voter registration.
States should implement the following pro-voter policies in order to expand voting opportunities for eligible Americans and drive participation: In-person early voting, No-excuse absentee voting, Vote-at-home with vote centers, In-person early voting
The Futurist New Deal and Data For All:
Elon Musk is making headlines again, he wants to make your internet faster and cheaper.
“Starlink” pioneers the use of low-orbit satellites to provide more efficient internet for the world. Overcoming both rival complaints and regulatory issues, the FCC has approved the endeavor. This is a massive win for Musk, as well as most of the people of Earth. With the implementation of Starlink, Mr Musk is providing something much more down to earth than a “trip to Mars,” but that does not mean it is less useful.
Fast internet is something many in the developed world take for granted. Unfortunately, broadband speed is hugely variable around the globe. Look at the world rankings, and you will see that the divide between poor and wealthy nations is especially apparent when it comes to Mb/s. Given how much learning is done through the internet it is easy to see the negative impact this can have on a society’s development.
Futurist New Deal and Online Learning Options for K-12:
The future of higher education lies in online learning. Increasingly, colleges and university students now find themselves with other obligations beyond that of getting a degree. Jobs and family commitments make equal demands on their time. Having the option of taking online classes and studying on their own time is critically important. At the same time, many state institutions are unable to accommodate all those who want to take classes on campus, escalating the demand for online learning.
Finally, lifelong learning must now be a part of everyone’s career plans. In today’s job market, taking online courses help workers remain competitive and they do not need to take time off from their jobs to do this.
K-12 students and parents will need to determine if online learning is an option for them because not everyone does well with this type of study. Some questions that any potential online students should ask is whether or not they can learn independently; how organized they are with their time; whether they are computer savvy; their level of reading comprehension; and if they have at least ten hours a week to devote to each course.
Many make the mistake of assuming that an online class will be easier than one taken in a traditional classroom. Often online instructors assign more reading materials than required in a regular classroom to ensure that students are engaged. Motivation is the key to an online student’s success as is his ability to reach out to both instructors and fellow students using software such as Blackboard.
That software program seamlessly integrates social media, making it possible to create online communities that are course-specific. Blogs, tweets, podcasts, webcasts, online chats, discussion boards, and virtual study jams are all part of the online mix. Success in an online course often depends on how connected a student feels to his instructor and fellow students.
Students will be able to learn at their own pace and problems as simple as finding a place to park will be eliminated. It makes good financial sense for a student to have the option to take core courses online at any level.
Local businesses can also benefit from online learning. Online learning not only trains the workers of the future, it can also provide a career path for someone employed, who needs to learn new skills.
For online learning to succeed it is also essential that we find and train instructors who can adapt to this new medium. Fortunately, new technology makes it possible for instructors to create exciting new ways to learn online that engage students in ways that are more effective than a lecture hall with hundreds of students.
We also need to develop a national transfer pool so that certain online courses can be taken anywhere in the country and then transferred to the student’s home institution. No student should face being shut out of a class he needs to get a degree when he can take the same course online at another institution.
Background on the Green New Deal as it Relates to the Futurist New Deal Plan to Ban Crude Exports and Fossil Fuel Subsidies:
The Futurist New Deal, like the Green New Deal, is a plan to fight climate change. The Green New Deal plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cutting them in half by 2030. That is what it would take to limit global warming to less than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. It is the Paris Agreement’s climate goal.
To achieve the Green New Deal goal, the plan calls for the United States to switch to 100% renewable energy in 10 years. In 2017, only 11% of the nation’s energy consumption came from renewables, according to the Energy Information Administration. Another 9% is generated by nuclear power; it does not emit carbon dioxide.
The oil and carbon-based energy system must be changed to reduce further emissions. Technology must be introduced to absorb existing CO2 levels. And it all must happen within the next 10 years. Otherwise, the United Nations warned temperatures could exceed a tipping point that leads to a hothouse planet.
The Futurist New Deal and Drug Decriminalization:
The Futurist New Deal offers a roadmap for how to begin to unwind our failed drug war. It focuses on one practical step that can and should be taken to avoid many of the harms that flow from punitive prohibitionist drug laws and to promote proven effective health-based interventions.
Drug decriminalization is a critical next step toward achieving a rational drug policy that puts science and public health before punishment and incarceration. Decades of evidence has clearly demonstrated that decriminalization is a sensible path forward that would reap vast human and fiscal benefits while protecting families and communities.
Drug decriminalization is the elimination of criminal penalties for drug use and possession, as well as the elimination of criminal penalties for the possession of equipment used for the purpose of introducing drugs into the human body, such as syringes.
Drug decriminalization entails the elimination of all punitive, abstinence-based, coercive approaches to drug use; the term here encompasses a spectrum of efforts to eliminate criminal penalties, even if such efforts do not eliminate all forms of coercion entirely. Drug decriminalization also ideally entails the removal of criminal penalties for low-level sales, given that the line between seller and user is often blurred.
The criminalization of drug possession is a major driver of mass incarceration and mass criminalization in the United States. Each year, U.S. law enforcement makes more than 1.5 million drug arrests — more arrests than for all violent crimes combined. The overwhelming majority — more than 80 percent — are for possession only and involve no violent offense.
In a Ben Zion Administration, Sex Workers are People too:
Sex workers are adults who receive money or other forms of compensation in exchange for consensual sexual services, either regularly or occasionally. Sex workers are frequently penalized for non-criminal offenses such as loitering, vagrancy, and impeding the flow of traffic. By limiting sex workers’ freedom to negotiate condom use with clients, access public services like health care, and organize and advocate for their rights, criminalization increases sex workers’ vulnerability to violence, extortion, and health risks.
Decriminalization refers to the removal of all criminal and administrative prohibitions and penalties on sex work, including laws targeting clients and brothel owners. It differs from legalization, which is a legislative regime characterized by significant regulations—many of which can limit rights and protections, create mechanisms for abuse by authorities, and have other negative impacts on sex workers. Nevada in the USA, New Zealand and New South Wales, Australia are jurisdictions known for their legalized or decriminalized sex industries. Decriminalization goes hand-in-hand with recognizing sex work as work and protecting the rights of sex workers through labor law, and workplace health and safety regulations. When sex work is decriminalized, sex workers can press for safer working conditions and use the justice system to seek redress for discrimination and abuse. Sex workers are more likely to live without stigma, social exclusion, or fear of violence. Even where sex work is decriminalized, the prostitution of minors and human trafficking can and should remain criminal acts.
A cornerstone of contemporary human rights is that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. There are many reasons why adults do sex work, whether it is their main livelihood, a temporary means to survive, or an opportunity to supplement other income. Some people find that sex work offers better pay and more flexible working conditions. Whatever the reasons, sex work is work, and sex workers should be treated with dignity. Sex workers in many parts of the world have organized to fight for human rights that cannot be fully realized as long as criminal laws threaten sex workers’ access to justice, health, and social services; undermine their right to labor and workplace protections; and expose them to violence, discrimination, and arbitrary arrest.
We Must Repeal “Citizens United”:
The majority opinion in Citizens United takes up 57 pages, but it is pretty efficiently boiled down thusly. Money is speech. Corporations are people. Therefore, under the First Amendment, the government cannot stop corporations from spending money on politics pretty much however they choose.
Citizens United set off a torrent of outrage, culminating in the high drama of the President (a constitutional law professor, lest we forget) condemning the court in the State of the Union for opening “the floodgates for special interests—including foreign corporations—to spend without limit in our elections.” Anger spanned the political spectrum (80 percent were opposed shortly after the ruling, 65 percent “strongly”) and helped spark the Occupy movement.
Most Americans, 88 percent, want to reduce the influence large campaign donors wield over lawmakers at a time when a single congressional election may cost tens of millions of dollars
The right recognizes something that few on the left recognize: that campaign finance law underlies all other substantive law. But Americans’ disgust did not stop the bagmen, on both sides of the aisle, from seizing the opportunity. Just ask Dan Maffei, a Democrat in upstate New York’s 25th District who led Ann Marie Buerkle, a pro-life activist with scant political experience, by 12 points two weeks before the election. Then Karl Rove’s American Crossroads buried him with $400,000 worth of attack ads—and Buerkle won by a mere 648 votes.
ALEC will also be dismantled under The Futurist New Deal:
ALEC is a group that devises various arch-conservative and corporatist policies so they can be pushed in state legislatures across the country. It has facilitated collusion among state legislators, large corporations, conservative think tanks to craft numerous “model bills” — bills those legislators can then introduce in their home states, and perhaps get passed into law. In recent years, more than 1,000 of ALEC’s model bills have been introduced to state legislatures across the country, and around 200 usually become law, the group has estimated.
While ALEC is technically run by its state legislators, it raises the bulk of its yearly funding — around $8 million a year — from mega-corporations and conservative groups or foundations. ALEC’s model bills largely reflect the business interests of those corporate members. In 2010, ALEC’s policy director told NPR, “Most of the bills are written by outside sources and companies, attorneys, and legislative counsels.” The white-washed standard two-party interpretation of this is that ALEC helps policy experts and stakeholders share their knowledge with state legislators who might not have the legal expertise to write high-quality bills on their own. The more critical take is that ALEC is making state legislators do the bidding of corporatist and arch-conservative interests.
The Futurist New Deal is a 52k a Year Basic Income Deal:
The Futurist New Deal Basic Income would be paid as follows (based on 2019 prices): Basic Income of $1000 a week for all qualifying citizens between 21 and 65. Social Security benefits for all qualifying citizens over 65.
It is fairly easy to see how our system achieves a much more sane, comprehensible and less distorting way of taxing and redistributing than the current tax codes. We estimate that the changes we have made would cost up to 9 percent of GDP over and above the current model; however land leases as described below would make up the difference, making this basic income more resistant to hyper-inflation than that proposed by Democrat Andrew Yang or Transhumanist Rachel Haywire. In any event, it is no greater than the changes that have been made in the original New Deal, or not far removed from other tax reform or easing measures. If the benefits of Basic Income come to be accepted as did major changes to Social Security in the 1980s then 9 percent of GDP is more than affordable.
With increased economic security, people are far less prone to stress,disease, and self-destructive behavior. A basic income experiment in
Canada saw hospitalization rates go down 8.5% in short order. The Futurist New Deal basic income will improve labor market efficiency
because fewer workers will be stuck in jobs that are a bad fit. National productivity will improve because people will be able to seek work that is more rewarding and promote higher job satisfaction. There are tremendous hidden and not so hidden costs to economic ncertainty, this is why many economists predict that humane economic policies, like a middle class basic income would grow the economy enormously. A Roosevelt Institute study found that even a smaller basic income at $12,000 per year per adult policy would permanently grow the economy by 12.56 to 13.10 percent, or about $2.5 trillion by 2025 as well as increasing the percentage of Americans with jobs by about 2 percent, and expanding the labor force by 4.5 to 4.7 million people.So that is some of the technical hurdles out of the way. Why do this? A middle class basic income supports people in nurturing their lives and frees them to create a new future. Those many young parents who are settling for low paid work to pay off student debt are a case in point. Had there not been such an intrusion into their power to choose they would have a different career and be making a far bigger contribution. With their new-found flexibility they may even have started a business. Does that matter? Their family life could have felt like it was on an even greater upwards trajectory instead of being locked between low quality work and a red-tape driven means tested welfare state. Their mental health, educational outcomes, life satisfaction, all around well-being could be much enhanced.
The US government owns nearly 200 trillion of federal land and resources. Most of it is unused and sitting idle. If you divide $200 trillion by America’s 330 million citizens, you get a half million dollars per person.
The US must monetize that federal land and distribute its equity equally, to move Americans out of poverty, diminish real risks and protect against various healthcare issues, and the impending “jobless future”— where increasing automation replaces tens of millions of human jobs.
Leasing out federal land will provide a permanent regular income to every American, without giving up ownership of the land or contributing to the climate crisis and provide 173 trillion dollars of new tax revenue over 10 years, an amount large enough to also allow for the establishment of a modernized national public health service. The funding plan, the “Futurist New Deal: Federal Land Dividend,” is the most credible universal basic income plan as it does not raise taxes on the middle class.
The Futurist New Deal Land Dividend works by issuing leases anywhere from 25 years to 99 years. Companies will then offer bids for land and resources they wanted, and binding lease agreements would be created. Most leases would be structured around a standard 5% annual interest rate, plus inflation when necessary.
The strongest opposition to the The Futurist New Deal Land Dividend comes from environmentalists. They have all sorts of reservations, some even relating to the lives of human beings, but mostly they are peeved at the thought of America’s pristine lands and waters being rented out. We would do well to try to respect those opinions, and the best way to do this is simple. Leave all the national parks alone, and make all leases contain contract language that requires companies to return the land and environment just as they found it when their lease is over.
Environmentalists will probably still find a reason not to be happy with the plan, but they must remember that the Futurist New Deal Land Dividend’s goal is to eliminate poverty and increase opportunity and human development. Currently, 13 million American kids go to bed hungry at night and upwards of 2 million people will be homeless in the US at some point in 2019. Our country’s assets, the land and its resources belonging to the people, should be used for the health and security of our citizens. Besides, there is a huge national and global threat on the horizon the US must prepare for: automation taking most human jobs. Over the next five years, machines will replace millions of human jobs in the US. Just a few years ago, McDonald’s stock reached an all-time high as investors gladly accepted automated ordering kiosks replacing cashiers. And the approximately 3.5 million truck drivers will soon be replaced by driverless
vehicles.The threat is real, and the Futurist New Deal provides a constant income that American families can live and thrive on, whether they’re employed or not. The Futurist New Deal Land Dividend will provide an estimated 173 trillion dollars, enough to fund such a constant income and build a more robust national health service that does not leave anyone behind-these two achievements alone would transform our economy and our middle class both into the envy of the developed world.
There is a reason that so many of the billionaire CEOs in Silicon Valley support the idea of novel approaches to funding a basic income. The
Futurist New Deal Land Dividend is a nonpartisan plan that benefits all, particularly the most vulnerable.The time has come. The USA must set itself to the task of utilizing our vast resources and sharing them with each American before we wake up one day and realize that we live in a third-world country, a pale shadow of what it ought to have been.
You can read the entire Futurist New Deal For America Here.