Voting For The Damned – The Tea Party Confederates
We have two important elections, one in 2014 that will happen in a few short days and then again in 2016. These votes will determine how the United States of America will be governed for the following decade. It can be governed with a future or it will be governed by the past.
During this current age, we have American States that have technology advancements, tolerance, employment, a somewhat functioning educational system and have environmental responsibility for our future.
At the same time we have a faction of Confederate States who have been built to stand against technology, tolerance, employment, education, and environmental responsibility.
The worst part of these Tea Party Confederates is the ignorance that they spread. Our favorite Red State failure has always been Texas, who has Rick Perry as its Confederate leader.

The photo above shows the Confederate leader in a Gunship protecting the Confederate State of Texas from women and children who are fleeing their nations because of violence. Just a sickening display of fear and hate by Rick Perry. You have refugees on your doorstep and you treat them as rabid invaders.

When you have an Ebola outbreak, where is the Confederate Leader, he phones it in. You must admit could I have chosen a better Confederate State to pick. Texas, where you have a patient show up in your hospital and tells you he is from the Ebola Zone of Africa, and you give him antibiotics and send him on his merry way. When it comes for “Voting For The Damned”, it does not get any better than the Confederate State of Texas.
The election in the next few days and in 2016 cannot be any more important. Do you want to have the morals of America, or do you want to devolve into Confederates. You have a choice in this election, make sure you pick wisely.
As always strive to do more while you still can.